About Us
What would it take to change the world? Rotary’s 1.2 million members believe
it starts with a commitment to Service Above Self.
In more than 34,000 clubs worldwide, you’ll find members volunteering in communities at home and abroad to support education and job training, provide clean water, combat hunger, improve health and education, and eradicate polio.
Rotary Club of Polk County/Mena was chartered by Rotary International on January 1, 2000. The club now has 28 members who are committed to making our world a better place to live. Though the club is an active supporter of many international and district level projects, such as clean water projects and contributing to polio eradication events.
As a club, we have made the focused decision to focus much of our time and funding on our local community. With the believe that if we contribute to our community, the ripple effect will effect will impact beyond the borders of our communities. Within our community we have developed programs that benefit the health of the community and the cultural or spiritual well being of the community. We have reached out to improve the health of the community through our Polk County Warm Up Project (to get warm clothing to those in need) and our Blessing Box program (to get basic necessities such as toiletries and non-perishable foods to the community). We also strive to provide cultural and positive experiences in the community. Each year we sponsor a Breakfast with Santa event to give children and families a fun environment to get into the holiday spirit.
The proceeds from Wheel A’Mena support our signature projects each year:
We provide coats, hats, gloves, and socks to any man, woman, and child in Polk County in need of being warmed up. We often host an Open Closet day where the community can come and select a coat of their choice. We also work with community services, schools and day cares in the area to provide coats to individuals who seem to be without warm clothing.
We have placed a community box near our county court house to provide needed food and toiletry items for the community. We strive to ensure there is a constant supply of these needed items in the box for anyone in the community.
We would welcome your direct contribution to our projects. If you would like to bring new or gently used coats, warm hats, gloves, or new socks to support our Polk County Warm Up Project. If you would like to bring new toiletry items or non-perishable food items to support our Blessing Box. We would graciously accept your donations and will provide collection bins at our check-in location.
1) to make a valuable impact on our communities and ultimately the world
and… 2) to have a good time while we do!
We hope you will join us for a good time at Wheel A’Mena!
Warmest Regards, Rotary Club of Polk County/Mena